Volume 14 / 2022

Edited by Vítor Moura and Connell Vaughan

Table of Contents

Complete Volume

Hassan Ali Rosebud: Exploring Deleuzian Temporality through the Wellesian Shot 1-13
Sacha Behrend On the Apparent Incompatibility of Perceptual and Conventional Accounts of Pictures 14-27
Anu Besson On Aesthetic Practices and Cultural Identity of Finish Emigrants 28-37
Pol Capdevila Mood in Cinema. Towards a Unified Form of Time 38-55
Jokob Deibl From Infinite Rapprochement to the Open: From Kant to Hölderlin 56-67
Viviana Galletta The Laocoön and the Devil: A Path through the Franciscus Hemsterhuis’ Letter on Sculpture 68-85
Lorenzo Gineprini The Uncanniness of the Ordinary: Rethinking the Uncanny within Aesthetics 86-99
Jason Holt Self-Referential Aesthetics in the Art of Leonard Cohen 100-111
Mariliis Elizabeth Holzmann An Alien Phenomenology of Object Oriented Aesthetics and Genderqueer Representations in Julia Ducournau’s Titane 112-127
Daniel Kuran From Ethics to Aesthetics: On an Aesthetic Sense in Kant’s Philosophy of Religion 128-133
Salvador Rubio Marco Can Poems do Philosophy?: the Philosopher as a Sportsman of the Mind 141-150
Philip Mills Wanting Austin Inside Out: Viral Poetics and Queer Theory 151-165
Eva Schürmann “A Real Fact is a Fact of Aesthetic Experience.” On the Actuality of Whitehead’s Aisthetics 166-182
Thomas Symeonidis Designing Worlds: Explorations of the Possible Structures of the Aesthetic in Jacques Rancière 183-188
Asmus Trautsch Transformation and Transcendence of the Tragic: Milo Rau’s “Theatre of the Real” 194-217
Elettra Villani The Category of the Aesthetic: Considerations on Theodor W. Adorno’s Reading of Kierkegaard 218-228