Editor Search (JAAC)

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Date(s): 03. February – 10. June
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The American Society for Aesthetics is soliciting applications and nominations for the position of editor of The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, the official journal of the Society, to begin February 1, 2023. (The second term of Theodore Gracyk and Robert Stecker, the current editors, ends January 31, 2023, and this concludes the maximum length of service permitted under ASA by-laws.) The term of the editor is five (5) years, with a possible 5-year renewal, subject to review and approval by the ASA Board of Trustees. The editor must be a member of the Society and receives a monthly stipend and travel support from the Society. The ASA welcomes applications either from individuals or from more than one individual applying jointly. It particularly welcomes applications from members of under-represented groups in our profession.

The editor is responsible for the content of the journal. The editor is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Society and serves on the Executive Committee and all standing Board committees. The editor makes an annual report to the Board of Trustees on the operations of the Journal. The book review editor is selected by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the editor, and reports to the editor. The editor is advised by an Editorial Board appointed by the ASA Board of Trustees, on the recommendation of the editor.

The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism is published four times a year by Oxford University Press for the Society. It includes articles, book reviews, and occasional symposia. From time to time a special issue may be devoted to a single topic. Both symposia and special issues must be approved by the Editorial Board. The Journal is indexed in The Philosopher’s Index and other sources and is electronically accessible through JSTOR and through the online platforms of Oxford University press.

The position of editor requires infrastructure and support, such as office space, student assistance, and release time. If available, the nature and extent of support that the candidate’s own institution could provide, and a commitment from the institution, should be included in the candidate’s application. If it is not available, an itemized list of the amount of support needed from the Society should be included.

Applications or nominations should be submitted to Julie Van Camp, ASA Secretary-Treasurer, electronically at secretary-treasurer@aesthetics-online.org by 10 June 2021. The application or nomination should include a brief CV (no more than 5 pages) and a cover letter noting qualifications. A search committee of officers and members of the Society will review applications, conduct interviews, and recommend a candidate to the Board of Trustees, which makes the final decision on the appointment. It is expected that the successful candidate will be notified in early fall 2021 and formally approved at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees in November 2021.

For further information or questions, contact EditorSearch@aesthetics-online.org

Rachel Zuckert
Chair, JAAC Editor Search Committee

American Society For Aesthetics
1550 Larimer St. #644
Denver, CO 80202-1602