Date(s): 04. May – 06. May
All Day
Fachhochschule Kiel
Moving Images 2017: Mediality – Multimodality – Materiality: Concepts for Media and Image Studies in the Era of the »Technosphere«. Bilingual Conference of the Society of Interdisciplinary Image Science on Moving Images (Kiel, Germany, 4th to 6th May 2017)
Thursday, May 4th
10:00 am: Welcome and Introduction
10:30 am: Dimitri Liebsch (GER): Transgressions. Philosophical Notes on Theory and Metatheory of the Moving Image.
11:30 am: Nicolas Oxen (GER): Specious Presence – A Process-Philosophical View on Temporality and Multimodality of the Digital Moving Image.
01:30 pm: Léa Perraudin (ENG): Capturing the Ephemeral. Experimental Interfaces and Snapchat as Messy Modes of Interaction in the Technosphere.
02:30 pm: Serjoscha Wiemer (GER): Algorithmical Image Aesthetics of Interference: The Glitch between Meta-Signification and Affective Materiality.
03:30 pm: Derrick de Kerckhove (ENG): Computer-Assisted Visualisation between Reality and Fiction.
05:00 pm: Parallel Workshops: Anna Caterina Dalmasso (ENG): »Like Organs of One Single Intercoporeity« – Exploring New Forms of Synesthetic Spectatorship in ASMR Video Culture. /AND/ Frank Geßner (GER): Alias Yederbeck Redux.
Friday, May 5th
10:00 am: Jennifer Eickelmann (GER): The Image as Threat. About the Materiality of Mediatized Disrespect on the Internet.
11:00 am: Stefanie Johns (GER): About Hybrid Live-Images. The Live-Image as Image- and Media-Theoretical Friction between Empowerment and Disempowerment.
12:00 pm: Vladimir Rizov (ENG): Virtual Photography, Immersion, and Boundaries in Grand Theft Auto V.
02:00 pm: Lars C. Grabbe (GER): Signals in the Dataverse. About Phenosemiotic Potential of Cybernetic and Information-Theoretical Aesthetics.
03:00 pm: Katharina Gsöllpointner (ENG): Digital Kinesthesia. How Kinesthetic Features in Digital Art Integrate Sensory, Semantic, and Social Perception.
04:30 pm: Parallel Workshops: Goda Plaum (GER): The Quartered Concept of the Term »Image«. /AND/ Tobias Held (GER): Design – Media-Materiality – Interfaces: Horizons of Design in the Perspective of Perception Theory.
Saturday, May 6th
10:00 am: General Meeting of the Society of Interdisciplinary Image Science.
12:00 pm: Conclusion and Farewell.
The conference is organized by the Society of Interdisciplinary Image Science and the Research Group Moving Image Science Kiel. It takes place in the senators room (Sokratesplatz 2, Floor 7), on campus of the University of Applied Sciences Kiel. The conference languages are German and English, the participation is free of charge. The registration to the conference is possible via email: until 23rd of April 2017.
You will find a campus map and further details online on For further questions please feel free to contact Lars C. Grabbe and Patrick Rupert-Kruse.