Date(s): 01. September
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CFP “Studi di Estetica” 3/2018: Towards a digital aesthetics, Deadline: September 1st, 2018
Computer systems take a very important role in the everyday life of a steadily growing number of people. Without exaggerating, we may say that human beings increasingly rely on computer systems to perceive and interact with all the entities which compose their surrounding environment. Clearly, different technological and communication paradigm advancements have contributed to such result. Among the many which may be individuated, we can include the World Wide Web, Mobile Communications, Web 2.0 as long as the pervasive use of sensors with the spread of the Internet of Things. Interestingly, each of such advancements has been well received and accepted, maybe thanks “to our basic human nature to annex, exploit, and incorporate non-biological stuff deep into our mental profiles” (A. Clark, Natural-born cyborgs?, 2001).
Aesthetic studies in this context represent an important lens which may be used to understand how human beings actively sculpt and shape such non-biological stuff, namely computer systems in their role of an interface to the physical world. This call for papers aims at attracting novel and thought provoking contributions which may shed light on this relevant area, works which may provide a critical map and understanding of these relationships through the aesthetic viewpoint.
Areas of interest for this call include, but are not limited to:
− computational aesthetics, bridging aspects of computer science, philosophy and psychology, and the fine, applied and performing arts;
− style and salience analysis of computer mediated content;
− analysis and discussion of empirical aesthetic attributes;
− the aesthetics of computer mediated interaction and representation;
− the effects of cultural influences in the aesthetics of computer mediated content;
− the effects of computer systems on aesthetic perception;
− theoretical implications of digitalization on aesthetics.
The issue will be edited by Gustavo Marfia and Giovanni Matteucci.
Articles will be submitted to double blind peer review. The languages admitted are
Italian, English, German, and French. The articles should include an abstract (up to 150
words) and three keywords, both in English. The articles, which should be anonymous,
should be sent to Simona Chiodo, Politecnico di Milano (, by
September 1st 2018 in .doc or .docx, together with a further document containing the author’s information