European Society for Aesthetics Inaugural Conference

University of Fribourg, April 4-5 2009

Funded by the British Society of Aesthetics and the University of Fribourg

Saturday April 4th
9.00am – 9.30am Registration
9.30am – 11am: Morten Kyndrup (Aarhus) – ’The Future of Aesthetics’
Chair: Francisca Perez Carreño (Murcia)
11am – 11.15am: Coffee Break
11.15am – 12.45pm: Ludger Schwarte (Zürich) – ’The Birth of Aesthetics from the Spirit of Experimentalism’
Chair: Arto Haapala (Helsinki)
12.45pm – 2.30pm: Lunch
2.30pm – 4.00pm: Paolo Spinicci (Milan) – ’The Nature of Portraits: Some Phenomenological Remarks’
Chair: Cain Todd (Lancaster)
4pm – 4.15pm: Coffee Break
4.15pm – 5.45pm: John Zeimbekis (Grenoble) – ’Pictures as Incomplete Representations’
Chair: Catrin Misselhorn (Tübingen)
6pm – 7pm: Annual General Meeting and elections of the ESA
8pm: Dinner

Sunday April 5th
9.30am – 11am: Aleš Erjavec (Ljubljana) – ’The Artistic Moment’
Chair: Jakub Stejskal (Praha)
11am – 11.15am: Coffee Break
11.15am – 12.45pm: Kathleen Stock (Sussex) – ’Imagination, Belief and the Will’
Chair: Fabian Dorsch (Fribourg)
12.45pm – 2.30pm: Lunch
2.30pm – 4.00pm: Pauline von Bonsdorff (Jyväskylä) – ’Aesthetics and Children – Reflections from Phenomenology’
Chair: Íngrid Vendrell Ferran
4pm – 4.15pm: Coffee Break
4.15pm – 5.45pm: Robert Hopkins (Sheffield) – ’What is Wrong with Aesthetic Testimony?’
Chair: Simo Säätelä (Bergen)