Registration and conference fees


Registration deadline is June 1, 2023

Please send an email to conference[at] with the following information:

  • your full name
  • affiliation
  • a bank statement of the conference fee(s) payment
  • weather you attend the conference on location (in Budapest) or online
  • weather you have any food allergies or food intolerance

Conference fees

Payment deadline is June 1, 2023.

The conference registration fee is 80.00 EUR for waged and 40 EUR for unwaged (e.g. student) participants. The conference dinner is 40 EUR.

You can choose the following options (please write in the ‘reference’ which option you have chosen):

  • Waged: conference fee only 80 EUR
  • Waged: conference fee + dinner 120 EUR
  • Unwaged: conference fee only 40 EUR
  • Unwaged: conference fee + dinner 80 EUR
  • Dinner only 40 EUR

Please transfer the conference fees to the following ESA bank account:

Bank Name: PostFinance
Address: Rue Saint-Pierre 3 Store, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

Account number: 91-281330-5

IBAN: CH6509000000912813305


The Society’s address is: European Society for Aesthetics, c/o University of Fribourg, Department of Philosophy, Avenue de l’Europe 20, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland.

The UID number (VAT number) of the ESA society in Switzerland is CHE-278.077.018

Contact: treasurer[at]