Date(s): 20. March – 23. March
All Day
University of Amsterdam
Global Adorno.
International Conference at the University of Amsterdam, March 20-23, 2016.
It is constitutive for Critical Theory that it is linked to a moral and political ideal of self-reflexive enlightenment and emancipation. It is constitutive as well that such a theory is dependent on historical and cultural experiences. Theodor W. Adorno, the most prominent and intellectualy accomplished representative of Critical Theory made in Frankfurt, always has emphasized these constitutive elements.
Almost fifty years after the first climax of the – predominantly political – reception of the work of Adorno during the late 1960s, the conditions for reading his work obviously have changed a lot in the sign of so-called “globalization”. For this reason the conference mainly is interested in two questions:
– What are the various local contexts of the reception of Adorno’s work today?
– What does Adorno have to contribute to pushing questions of a globalized world? Questions of cosmopolitanism for example? Or of a critique of post-colonial power? Or of political strategies of anti-nationalist and internationalist movements?
The conference wants to bring together a number of international scholars – from Europe, North and South America, East Asia and maybe other parts of the world – to discuss these questions.
Confirmed speakers until now: Rodrigo Duarte (Belo Horizonte/Brazil), Samir Gandesha (Vancouver/Canada), Gertrud Koch (Berlin/Germany), Giovanni Matteucci (Bologna/Italy), Cecilia Sjöholm (Stockholm/Sweden), Ruth Sonderegger (Vienna/Austria), Zhao Qianfan (Shanghai/PR China).
Please send a short proposal (of about 400 words) and a short cv (of about 400 words as well) to the organizers of the conference, Josef Früchtl ( and Johan Hartle ( Deadline: 15th of November.