Call for Candidates: ESA Executive Committee

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Date(s): 05. May
All Day


The new executive committee of the European Society for Aesthetics will be elected at the society’s next general assembly to be held in connection with the ESA’s annual conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, 11.6.–13.6.2015. Each member of the committee will be elected for a term of three years. The committee consists of 11 members, including the president. The society now seeks candidates to the committee. Eight members of the current committee will be candidates for a new term: Alessandro Bertinetto (Udine, Italy), Matilde Carrasco Barranco (Murcia, Spain), Zsolt Batori (Budabest, Hungary), Josef Früchtl (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Isabelle Rieusset Lemarié (Paris, France), Kalle Puolakka (Helsinki, Finland), Dan-Eugen Ratiu (Cluj, Romania), and John Zeimbekis (Grenoble, France; Patras, Greece).

People interested in stepping up as a candidate at the assembly should report of their interest and provide a short written CV of their academic merits to the society’s secretary Kalle Puolakka (secretary[at] by the 5th of May. For all enquiries, please contact the secretary.