ESA conference 2012 Guimarães

25th June
School of Architecture
Auditorium A1
Auditorium A2
Auditorium A3
Room 1.58
8-9 amRegistration
9-9.30 amOpening
9.30-11 amPlenary Session
Krystyna Wilkoszewska
Transcultural Studies in Aesthetics:
The Ups and Downs
11-11.30 amCoffee Break
11.30-12.30 pmScience, Art, Aesthetics
Vladimir J. Konečni
(San Diego)
Empirical Psycho-Aesthetics
and Her Sisters: Substantive
and Methodological Issues
Phenomenology of Art
Nikola Mirkovic
Beyond Aesthetics:
Heidegger’s Ontology of Art
Aesthetics of Environment
Dan E. Ratiu
Remapping the Realm of
Controversies about the
Aesthetic and the Aesthetic
Experience in Everyday Life
Literature, Fiction,

Dina Mendonça
The Experimental Solution
for the Paradox of Fiction
and the Paradox of Tragedy
12.30-1.30 pmScience, Art, Aesthetics
Vid Simoniti
New Directions in
Neuroaesthetics and Their
Relevance to Philosophy of
Phenomenology of Art
Cristian Hainic
An Investigation into the
Heideggerian Roots of the
Aesthetics of Everyday Life:
A Hermeneutical Approach
to Art
Aesthetics of Environment
Rainer Kazig
Embedded aesthetics:
Outline of a Social-scientific
Approach to Everyday
Literature, Fiction,

Dimitria Electra Gatzia &
Eric Sotnak
Fact, Fiction and Pretense
1.30-3 pmLunch Break
3-4 pmScience, Art, Aesthetics
Stephen Davies
Kinds of mind/brain
modularity and their
relevance to connecting art
and evolution
Phenomenology of Art
Noel Fitzpatrick
Revisiting Ekphrasis: The
Early Hermeneutic
Phenomenology of Paul
Aesthetics of Environment
María José Alcaraz León
Aesthetic Insight: The
Aesthetic Value of Damaged
Literature, Fiction,

Monique Roelofs
Aestheticizing Abandonment:
The Promise of a
Compromised Aesthetic
4-5 pmScience, Art, Aesthetics
Jérôme Pelletier
Narrative/Fiction: Inverted
Forms of Cognition
Phenomenology of Art
Jay Hetrick
From Phusis to Poiesis in
Heidegger and Deleuze
Aesthetics of Environment
María del Mar Rosa
On Brady’s Imagination and
the Aesthetic Appreciation of
Literature, Fiction,

James Hamilton
The Richness of Narrative
per se
5-5.30 pmCoffee Break
5.30-6.30 pmScience, Art, Aesthetics
Shen-yi Liao
Aesthetic Explanation
Aesthetics of Painting
Toni Hildebrandt
Jean-Luc Nancy and the
Onto-aesthetics of Drawing
Aesthetics of Environment
Marta Tafalla
Anosmic Aesthetics
Literature, Fiction,

David Davies
Fictionality, Fictive
Utterance, and the Assertive
7.30 pmConference Dinner
26th June
Nogueira da Silva Museum
Salão Nobre
Sala Jorge Barradas
Galeria 2
Galeria 3
9.30 amBus Transfer to Braga
Azurém Campus
Parking Lot
10-11.30 amPlenary Session
Noël Carroll
(New York)
The Creative Audience:
Some Ways in which Readers, Viewers, and/or Listeners
Use their Imaginations to Engage Fictional Artworks
11.30-12 pmCoffee Break
12-1 pmAesthetics of Painting
Evrim Emir
Painting the Impossible
History of Aesthetics
Adam Blincoe
The Priority of Reason:
Mendelssohn’s Rationalist
Aesthetics of Music
Ulrich Seeberg
Birdsong and Music:
Philosophical Reflections
Definitions of Art and the

Simon Fokt
(St Andrews)
Why History Matters to a
Cluster Theorist
1-2 pmAesthetics of Painting
Jill Murphy
Images of Death by
Deprivation in Steve
McQueen’s Hunger in
relation to Holbein’s The
Body of the Dead Christ in
the Tomb
History of Aesthetics
Thomas Heyd
Re-reading Kant on Free and
Adherent Beauty
Aesthetics of Music
Alessandro Bertinetto
(Udine, Berlin)
Improvisational Listening?
Definitions of Art and the

Matilde Carrasco Barranco
The Dogma of Postconceptual Art: The Role of
the Aesthetic in the Art of
2-3.30 pmLunch Break
3.30-4.30 pmAesthetics of Painting
Ken Wilder
Manet and Vermeer: The
Nature of the Excluded
History of Aesthetics
Andrew Huddleston
Art as Culture and Culture as
Art: Tracing a Theme from
The Birth of Tragedy to
Nietzsche’s Later Work
Aesthetics of Music
Eran Guter
(Yezreel Valley)
On the Impurely Musical
Experience: Beyond
Formalism and Narrativism
Definitions of Art and the

Sergey Dzikevich
Towards Semi-institutional
Theory of the Aesthetic:
Some Results of
Metahistorical Thinking in
4.30-5.30 pmAesthetics of Painting
Miriam Paulo Rosello
Beyond the Fourth Wall:
Encountering Mark Rothko’s
Aesthetics of Architecture
Remei Capdevila Werning
From Berliner Stadtschloss
to Humboldt-Box and back
again: Architecture in the
Aesthetics of Music
Lydia Goehr
(New York)
The Agon of Improvising on
Broken Strings: Toward a
Theory of Fit and Wit
5.30-6 pmCoffee Break
6 pmGeneral Assembly
27th June
School of Architecture
Auditorium A1
Auditorium A2
Auditorium A3
Room 1.58
9.30-11 amPlenary Session
Mário Jorge de Carvalho
(New University of Lisbon)
A Further Point of View on Points of View
11-11.30 amCoffee Break
11.30-12.30 pmImagination and Film
Robert Stecker
Film Narration, Imagined
Seeing and Seeing-in
Politics, Art, Aesthetics
Isabelle Rieusset-Lemarié
What Taste and Perfume Add
to the Political Interpretation
of the Kantian Aesthetic
Judgment by Arendt and
Ontological Topics in

Salvator Rubio Marco
Pour un réalisme de l’aspect
et l’expression en esthétique
12.30-1.30 pmImagination and Film
Daniela Tagliafico & Enrico
Imagination and the
Cinematic Experience
Politics, Art, Aesthetics
Connel Vaughan
The Political Basis of
Rancière’s Aestheticsing
Ontological Topics in

Matthew Rowe
Artwork Indication and the
Standard of Neglect
Ethics and Aesthetics
Ya-ping Lin
Art for Life’s Sake: Iris
Murdoch on the Relationship
between Art, Morality, and
1.30-3 pmLunch Break
3-4 pmImage and Depiction
Simone Neuber
How Depictive
Representations Mandate
Pretence by Being
Recognized in Terms of
What They Depict
Politics, Art, Aesthetics
Hermann Pfütze
A Global Sense of Beauty
The Interpretation of Art
and Music

Thomas Dworschak
A Framework for Musical
Between Philosophy and

Karen Simecek
On the (Seeming)
Incompatibility between
Poetry and Philosophical
4-5 pmImage and Depiction
Paolo Spinicci
Pictorial Marks,
Anamorphosis, and the
Nature of Depiction
Politics, Art, Aesthetics
Cristian Nae
Party Pris: Evaluating the
Politicized Practices of
Conceptual Art
The Interpretation of Art
and Music

Zsolt Batori
The Role of Music Theory in
Music Appreciation:
Scientific Explanation or
Between Philosophy and

Eileen John
Poetry and Instructions for
5-5.30 pmCoffee Break
5.30-6.30 pmImage and Depiction
Enrico Terrone
The Digital Secret of the
Moving Image
Politics, Art, Aesthetics
Erin Flynn
(Ohio Wesleyan)
The Aesthetic
Representation of Justice in
Eastwood’s High Plains
The Interpretation of Art
and Music

Kalle Puolakka
Evidence and the
Interpretation of Art
Between Philosophy and

Alexia Bretas
I Dream, therefore I Exist:
Aesthetic Reflections of
Fernando Pessoa
6.30 pmEnd of Conference