Submission Guidelines
Please note that we do not publish a normal journal, but conference proceedings. This means that we do not welcome any submissions of papers that were not presented at one of our conferences.
If you are eligible to submit a paper (i.e. you presented it at the last ESA conference), please send an electronic file by email to the editors of the proceedings.
Apart from changes to the layout, the paper will be published in the state in which you send it to us. So please make sure that you send us the final version of your paper. Due to our limited resources, you will not be able to implement changes to the content – including linguistic corrections – after the deadline, unless you do it yourself.
Also, in order to ensure a uniform layout for all papers, please make sure that your paper conforms to all the style requirements outlined below. Papers who do not satisfy this criterion will be returned to their authors for the implementation of the necessary alterations.
Style Requirements
Before preparing your submission, it may be good to have a look at this sample DOCX file in order to see what a submitted file should look like; and at this exemplary paper in order to get an impression of what the final product will look like.
Please send us your submission in the Microsoft Word Office Open XML format (.docx) and use the following order of items in your text:
- Title
- Name (with your email address in a footnote)
- Affiliation
- Abstract (starting with ‘Abstract’)
- Main text (with sections, footnotes, etc.)
- References
When formating your text, please conform to the following instructions:
Title. Please capitalize all proper nouns in the title.
Section headings. Please apply these three specifications:
- Number all your (sub)sections (except ‘References’) by using Arabic numbers (1., 2., 2.1., 2.2., …).
- If you add titles to the numbers (e.g. ‘1. Introduction’), please capitalize all proper nouns.
- Apply the respective heading style (Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, …) to each (sub)section heading.
Abstract and block quotes. Please indent both the abstract and all block quotes.
Images. If you would like to include images in the main text, you may send them to us separately (either in jpg or in png format), together with a caption, and mark the locations in the text where they should roughly be placed.
Footnotes. Please use footnotes (rather than endnotes). Make also sure that all footnote anchors come after the fullstops that terminate the sentences.
Citations. If possible, please cite works in the main text by means of the author-year system (e.g. Wollheim 1987, p. 13).
References. Please list all references in alphabetic order at the end of the paper, in a separate section entitled ‘References’. Please comply thereby with the following author-year system and use the ’em dash’ to avoid repeating the name of an author:
Wollheim, Richard (1970), ‘Nelson Goodman’s Languages of Art’, The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 62 (16), pp. 531-39.
— (1987), Painting as an Art, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
— (2003), ‘In Defense of Seeing-In’, in: H. Hecht, R. Schwartz & M. Atherton (eds.), Looking Into Pictures, Cambridge (Mass.): The Mit Press.
Language. Although English is the preferred language, all major languages are accepted. If you are not a native speaker of the language that your article is written in, please let a native speaker check and copy-edit it.